Instagram: Better Understand The Algorithm To Gain Visibility

While some social networks, like Facebook, are shunned by teenagers, Instagram is one that users continue to use daily. And as proof, the social network has just exceeded one billion users, a community that continues to grow. Only, for some time now, a dark spot has appeared in this superb setting: the algorithm. Complicated to understand, your digital agency specializing in social media explains how to understand this algorithm better to gain visibility!

In 2016, Instagram changed its algorithm. While users’ news feeds used to be in chronological order, from newest to oldest post, it suddenly became personalized for each user. According to Instagram, before this algorithm change, users were missing 70% of posts in their News Feed and 50% of posts from their friends.

This algorithm change was therefore intended to display the most relevant publications for each user. Since this change, Instagram has never mentioned how its new algorithm works. But in early June, some information about its operation was revealed during a conference in San Francisco. And it seems that its goal is to offer users more personalized content that they will likely like based on their previous browsing.

Three Main Points Frame Instagram’s Algorithm

  • The first is interest: that is, and the algorithm displays publications that are likely to interest the user. To get to this point, it relies on previous interactions (likes, comments…) and, potentially, on a vision algorithm to analyze the images.
  • The second is recency: Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes more recent posts in news feeds.
  • Finally, the third and last main point taken into account by the algorithm is the relationships: the more interactions you have with an account, the more Instagram favors it. It presents its photos to you on priority.

If the Instagram algorithm considers these three main points, other factors, certainly less important, also influence it. For example, the frequency of use of the application comes into play. Indeed, the social network displays the best publications since the last use.

Thus, the more accounts you follow, the less easy it will be for the algorithm to show you all the publications. But the more you open the app, the more likely you will see all the posts from the accounts you follow. In addition, the time spent on the application is also considered. Finally, the algorithm favors posts based on user navigation. Indeed, if a user prefers photos to videos, these will be favored in the news feed. And vice versa.

Also Read: What Are the Latest Trends On Instagram?

Understand The Algorithm For More Visibility

The algorithm change affected many accounts. So, whether you are an individual, a company or an influencer, this change has bound to affect you in any way. Faced with this consecutive drop in engagement, it becomes necessary to understand how the algorithm works to develop its visibility and acquire more. For this, it is important to stay creative, work with the right hashtags, interact regularly, and have a relevant feed. But above all, consider taking Instagram as a friend, so the more you use it, the more you will get to know it.

The Commitment

When you post a new photo, only 10% of your audience sees your photo! We won’t lie to each other; it’s not much. And then, as your audience reacts, your photo is broadcast to more people. Thus, the interactions (likes, comments, sharing, etc.) will allow your photo to be seen by more users. The formula “before you receive, you have to know how to give” applies perfectly to Instagram. Forget the purchase of subscribers, which will absolutely not impact your commitment; quite the contrary, and base yourself on the human. Like, exchange and share, it will have a real impact on your engagement.


They are the most important interactions of the new algorithm. For what? Because it is through them that he can judge your photo and show it to other users. Only having comments is good; responding to them is better. It is, therefore, important to answer them in less than an hour to show the algorithm that you are active. This will impact your engagement rate. Personalize your review, add questions, and then you will encourage the creator of the photo to interact with you. Instagram shows us once again that it wants to favor authentic human relationships.


Again, making stories will help you gain engagement. The ones that show up first are the accounts you interact with the most on the network. And conversely, the more you interact with an account, the more likely you are to appear first in stories. Here, and as in your feed, it is important to be yourself and for your brand to show its true personality. Don’t copy someone else’s work; it won’t match you. But above all, what works for someone, will not necessarily work for you. So stay authentic; that’s the key to success.


You surely hate them, but unfortunately, they are almost indispensable on Instagram. Without them, your visibility is very limited, making increasing your engagement rate difficult. As proof, your Instagram account is like your site, and hashtags are its natural reference. As you know, your site can be perfectly built, but no one will come across it without SEO. It’s the same for hashtags and your account; they are what we could call: keywords.

In operation, it is necessary to modify your hashtags under each post. You can’t use the same ones under every post; otherwise, Instagram sees it. Then, the hashtags in comments no longer work; they must integrate into your description. As for the number, you can still use 30 maximum; only if you put this number of hashtags will Instagram take it as spamming and consider your photo inappropriate. Your hashtags must have a link to your photo; for example, we do not put #food for a landscape photo.


Your publications must be of quality but also frequent. Then consider improving the quality of your content because Instagram appreciates beautiful images. And the frequency of your publications is just as important since you are always publishing simultaneously, and you will accustom your followers and thus create a recurring appointment. In addition, by posting frequently, you increase your chances of appearing in the first publications of news feeds.

In Conclusion

It is necessary to remember that Instagram does not want to return to the chronological feed, even if the latter does take into account users’ complaints. But he wants to base his social network on people and human relationships. It seems important to him to bring authenticity and spontaneity back to the agenda on the social network. A trend that is being lost with the purchase of followers, an increasingly common practice.

Also Read: 10 Tips To Dominate Facebook And Instagram


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